Generating Custom Payroll in Time Doctor

This support document will show you how to create custom payroll in Time Doctor which can then be downloaded as a .CVS spreadsheet. To do this, you must be the owner of the account or have had payroll access granted to you by the owner of the account. Any user level can be granted payroll access.

From the Time Doctor web dashboard, go to Payments > Generate Custom Payroll.

Doing so will bring up the following screen.

: The default setting is One Time Payment. This setting does not consider any pay rates or time worked for the selected users. It will allow you to create a one-time payment of any amount for the current date. If Custom Payroll is selected, then the users' hours worked and rates will be displayed on the generated payroll report. It will also allow you to select a begin date and an end date for the custom payroll period.

On the generated payroll report, you may add additional bonuses or make deductions for the user(s). You can mark it as paid or print it as a .CSV file.

The payment will then be reflected on the Payroll History page. You can click on the date to review the details.